The Sin Eater 15: Aunt Breezy Part 1

He came and got me for this one.

He landed that Wal-Mart job that winter. He was a night cleanup man. Big machines like Zambonis that, only four feet tall and five long, had to go over the entire store. The bottom had a squeegee on it and that became Uncle Ball’s life. Every Tuesday morning, but don’t quote me on that, the entire staff lined up at the front counter to pick up their checks. This was where he hunted. This was where girls who worked the day shift would be and he could pick them up, fuck them, and they would not see him again until the next week. By then, he was on to someone else.

He saw her walking by and he knew. He knew she was vulnerable. He knew this one was easy to pick up.

“Holy shit, look at this gorgeous one right here!” he said as she neared him. She looked at him, sure he wasn’t talking to her, then she slowed down. “Come here, baby.” She walked over to him and he brushed a lock of hair from her eye. “Let me look at you.” She giggled and spun.

“Oh my God, you have got to give me your number. I have got to see you soon.”

She didn’t have paper and pen on her, but he did. All Mocking men do. Number, then the wait.

“Yeah you gotta make them wait a little while, let them get disappointed so that they are ripe when you do call,” he told me later. “So I waited a few days, not many.” He ate a piece of pizza and nodded at me. “Not too many, then I called her. She knew who I was right away.” He pointed at me and grinned. “Well I demanded she see me that night. That is kind of a must. You make the demand, she might have plans, then she will fight to break them. If she has to do that, then she will want to make that date count. Without even leaving your house, you are halfway there.

“Well I took her out to eat, and brought her to my trailer. She gave me a little trouble, but I kept telling her how beautiful she was all night and let me tell you this.” He wiped his hands and grinned. “Flattery will get you everywhere. Anyone that tells you different is an asshole. Flattery will get you everywhere.”

I nodded but could not look him in the eye.

“You fuck that girl you are dating yet? What was her name, Destiny?” he asked. “She is the pastor’s daughter, right? Take it from a guy that went to a Christian private school, the most devout are the best fucks. She won’t tell anyone either, so you don’t have to worry about that. You can just walk away and she will let you because she hates herself for it. Keep that in mind.

“Now anyway, I told her how beautiful she was and led her to my bed and I think she knew I was not going to call her again, but she was already in my room and would have had to push me out of the way. I kept telling her how beautiful she was, and soon I’m taking off her clothes, and she is not putting up much of a fight, then bam.

“She was not bad either. Someone had gotten to her first, but she was not that bad. She got hers, which is good, because then you have the option of picking her up again later, and we are done.”

“Did she spend the night?”

“Well that part is tricky.”

I gritted my teeth and fought back bile. I wished instantly I had not asked any questions. I should have known it would lead to a lesson.

“Well if you let them spend the night, you gotta get up and leave before they wake up. Then stay away long enough for them to give up or have to go do something else. You can write her a note if you want to keep the door open, but you never wake up with them. And you cuddle as little as possible. Few people cuddle all night, but you might find one or two clingy chicks that do.”

He nodded. “I think she did spend the night.” He looked away for a minute but looked back. “I don’t remember. I had a pretty big week. Got ahold of another one that was too good for a one night stand and I had to get it twice. I know that one stayed the night after that ride.

“Anyway, it doesn’t matter if she spent the night or not. The lesson is this. Flattery will get you everywhere.”

He saw her again. Uncle Ball once confessed to having to orgasm three times every day. He wanted to see her to get in some practice. The last one he had had been impossible to satisfy. He had been spooked.

He saw her again.

After the sex, he found out she had a son. He knew it was important to convince me he would raise a son, so he was not put off by it.

He saw her again and decided to cut her off. A few weeks later, she called him. He dodged her calls until she left this message.

“I’m pregnant. It’s yours. Call me.”

He was convinced it was his. With him as an option, Breezy would never have gone after anyone else. A conversation with Grandma and he knew he had to marry her. Grandma’s approval meant everything. And he knew Stone would not want a Mocking boy to be left out of the family.

They married. When I was introduced to her son, I told him I was excited to be his cousin. That was when I met Little Man. I don’t remember if there was a wedding or another court house. The baby was a girl. But they were already married.

He stopped asking if I wanted to move in with him. He told me what he was doing to her to get her how he wanted her.

And I kept eating his sin.


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